Selena settled into her new dorm fairly quickly. Her adviser had told her that she wouldn't be having a roommate this semester so her and Cynthia were able to place things wherever they liked. She was sad when Cynthia had to finally leave to go to work but she was glad for all of her help. The two hugged each other tight, speaking kindly of one another, something the pair hadn't done for a very long time, before Cynthia grabbed her things and parted ways. Selena plopped down on her tiny full-sized bed, and leaned her back against the wall. From the hallway she could hear loud music and giggling as other students and their parents moved into their dorms as well. Selena sighed and stared out the window. Pratt Institute was located in the heart of Brooklyn, sandwiched by tall sugar maple trees that also littered the sidewalks on both sides, as far as the eyes could see, in a white neighborhood called Clinton Hill. The private school sat surrounded by big beautiful cobble brownstones, with long driveways and expensive cars. Selena studied the faces of the folks below, on the go. They all looked important, with big plans and bright faces. They were nothing like the faces Selena had been so accustomed to seeing in and out and below the two bedroom apartment she had shared with her mother on Nostrand Ave. Selena sighed and began to think of one face in particular.. Anthony Morellez. She cringed as the memory of that dreadful night drifted into her thoughts, as it did from time to time and felt her body shiver. She remembered what his face looked like as he pinned her down to the bed... Excited... Pleased. "Knock, knock!" A cheerful voice called out as the door swung open, interrupting Selena's painful trip down memory lane. In walked a slim and well dressed white girl, with bright blue eyes and pink stained lips. "Hey! Are you McKenzie?" She asked in a thick country accent, with a smile on her face as wide as the East River. "No, sorry." Selena replied, sternly, upset that she had forgotten to lock her door. "Oh, well I'm sorry to have disturbed you. I'm new to the city and I don't really know my way..." She admitted. Selena stared at her. The girl stood there for a moment, expectingly. Selena continued to stare at her in silence. "Um.. Ok. Well, my name is Lauryn, Lauryn Hitchcroft. If you happen to see McKenzie can you tell her that her new roommate would be awfully happy to meet her?" She asked, once again flashing that big white pageant smile. Selena nodded. Lauryn looked alittle puzzled but thanked Selena for all of her "help" before turning and walking out of her dorm room. Selena hopped up and closed and locked the door behind her. "I have got to get out of here..." Selena muttered to herself. Without a second thought, Selena reached for her cell-phone and purse, quickly pulling out Nicole's business card and dialing her number.
Within an hour, Selena was showered, dressed and waiting for Nicole downstairs in the lobby. Selena had never been the type to keep up with the latest fashion trends - usually only sporting things that she felt comfortable in. But ever since she had hit rock bottom only months before, recalling days where she wore the same shirt and pants, three days in a row, Selena had decided it was time to step her game up. Tonight's 'fit included a pair of skin tight black leather pants, a white halter top that exposed her petite and bronze midsection, and a pair of off brand stilettos that she had picked up before applying to Pratt. Selena felt confident and sexy, two that she hadn't felt for a long time. As she stood and waited for Nicole, by the lobby door, two white guys approaching the Institute stopped to give her a little company. "Damn girl. I've never seen your pretty ass around Clinton." The tall, brunette exclaimed and flashed his best smile. "Yeah, you're like a dark brown cup of water girl. And I'm thirsty!" The blonde said as he pulled up his sleeves and flashed her his bulging biceps. Selena chucked at their corny attempts to "holler." Before she could respond, Nicole and her candy red jag whipped around the corner and parked in front of the lobby building with a swift turn and stop. Nicole pushed a button and suddenly the roof of her car mechanically lifted and regressed. Nicole beeped the horn, getting the two guys attention, who were too focused on Selena to notice her pull up. "Hey you clowns! Get away from my girl!" She exclaimed. Selena laughed. The guys turned around and then towards each other before devilishly smiling, and turning back. "What do ya mean.. your girl?" The two asked in unison. "I mean, that hot-pocket is MINE, so get away!" Nicole warned, laughing as she spoke. Selena rolled her eyes and laughed hard. "Oh God. Excuse me..." Selena pushed pass the guys and hopped into Nicole's two-seater. They both hugged before waving at the guys and speeding off.
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